Balanced Salt Solutions

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Balanced salt solution (BSS) is a solution of water and salts that is approximately equal to the body's salt balance. These products are available for specific surgical procedures and pathologies. Various pack sizes and salt scales have been created to meet the need for different types of procedures. In many cases, the product contains a mixture of sodium citrate, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium acetate, magnesium chloride and sodium chloride, which are mixed to approximate the composition of the interstitial fluid. It is not intended for internal rehydration. One application is in eye surgery, where the surgeon can flush the eye with a balanced saline solution during the procedure to keep it in good condition. Pathologists can use balanced saline solutions to irrigate tissues and provide them with the electrolytes they need, and it can be mixed with other materials to prepare samples for pathological testing. They are for single use only and contain no preservatives. Unused solutions should be discarded after an intervention. The vials cannot be used on multiple patients due to concerns of cross-contamination and infection. Surgeons can attach irrigation needles directly to the package, making this product very easy to use in a surgical setting. Patients usually do not need balanced saline at home, but use different rinse products after eye surgery if a surgeon considers it necessary. Flushing their eyes can be an important part of aftercare to help prevent infection, and patients are instructed on how to care for their eyes. You may also be given a prescription for a mild saline solution for use in eye care, or you can purchase an over-the-counter product if a surgeon sees fit. Patients with questions about post-operative eye care should contact a doctor or nurse.