Shipping & returns

Shipping & Return Policy




Orders placed with us are sent by parcel service.

In general, most products up to and including 1 liter/kilogram can be sent under certain conditions with our parcel service as LQ.

Please note that orders containing chemicals may take a little longer to arrive at the postal address. Because this requires more actions than for a regular package.

Orders above the LQ (limited quantities) value are sent according to ADR. In general, the shipment takes 1-2 days longer. So keep this in mind when ordering.

Keep an average of 3-4 days for the delivery time. The somewhat longer delivery time compared to other online stores has to do with the fact that chemical products and glassware need some extra attention when packing and shipping.




Unfortunately, if you order chemicals from us, they cannot be returned. This has to do with the fact that private individuals are not allowed to send chemical substances by post, this also applies to LQ substances. The purity is also no longer guaranteed after a package has been received, so that we can no longer take it back and resell it.

You can find on our site which ADR code the substances have, based on this you can find out on the internet whether they fall under the ADR rules or not.

Non-chemical products can be returned in certain cases, but do this first in consultation with us. If shipments are returned to us without communication, we will generally not accept them. Please note that the costs for returning are for your own account


Of course you can always contact us if you do not understand something, we will be happy to explain it to you.