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Genistein ≥98 %, for biochemistry
4',5,7-Trihydroxyisoflavone, Genisteol, Prunetol
Empirical formula C15H10O5
Molar mass (M) 270,24 g/mol
Melting point (mp) 302 °C
Storage temp. +4 °C
CAS No. [446-72-0]
EG-Nr. 207-174-9
Molar mass (M) 270,24 g/mol
Melting point (mp) 302 °C
Storage temp. +4 °C
CAS No. [446-72-0]
EG-Nr. 207-174-9
Inhibitor of tyrosine specific protein kinases.
Stock solution: 100 mg/ml (370 mM) in DMSO. Storage of stock solution: +4 °C or -20 °C.
Stock solution: 100 mg/ml (370 mM) in DMSO. Storage of stock solution: +4 °C or -20 °C.
Competitive inhibitor of ATP binding to the catalytic domain of tyrosin kinases. Exceptional are the insulin receptor tyrosin kinase and the serin-/threonin specific proteases, which will not be inhibited by genistein. An additional, tyrosin kinase independent, effect of genistein is the inhibition of topoisomerases I and II.